

Smile is the best way to communicate. It decides an individual's first impression. Smiles are the best ornaments anybody can wear and are an important asset. It creates bonds and helps to communicate better. The main advantage of smiling is, it reduces your blood pressure and keeps you healthy. Smiling boosts your confidence, however, there are a lot of people who are unhappy with their appearance because of damaged, crooked, missing, or discolored teeth. These problems can be fixed with the help of aesthetics dentistry. When we smile, there are 3 components that come into the picture:

  • Lips
  • Gums
  • Teeth

All three components are analyzed by the aesthetic dentist to get the desired smile of his patients. The specialist in aesthetic dentistry always takes into account all the components of the face to achieve the best results and restore the smile. It treats the cracks and crooks of the teeth or the size and shape of the teeth. The procedure is very safe and complete pain-free. Before the treatment, a thorough analysis is carried by the dentist and suggested as per the desire of the patient.

Lips: Lips are the frame of your smile. The improvement of the lip is carried out through different techniques of Facial aesthetic surgery. This treatment includes improvement in the thickness and position of the lips to create a more beautiful and attractive smile. The increase or decrease in the volume and size of the lips or any other alterations is gained with this technique.

Gums: The exposure of gums is very common when you smile, however, the color and size of the gums is the key to a beautiful smile. The alignment of the gums and their conditioning is necessary for a natural and beautiful design. The gums must have an adequate length color and size in a perfect alignment with the teeth. If the patient's gums appear too long, periodontal techniques are used to maintain the health of the gums and cover the roots of the patient's teeth.
The most important component of a smile is teeth. Designing the smile is the most crucial and delicate part of dental treatment. A proper study on the size, shape, and color is carried by the dentist in order to offer each individual results that are natural-looking and pleasing. The most commonly used treatment is teeth whitening and dental veneers. Teeth whitening is the best option to restore your original color of the teeth and give them a shine and natural look without much damage. In addition to this, Oral rehabilitation techniques are necessary to improve the smile.

Aesthetic dentistry is most commonly opted for smile designing and also for facial cosmetic surgery.

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