

Braces are the most commonly used fixed appliances that consist of bands, wires, and/or brackets. There are different types of braces as per the requirement of the tooth condition of the patient. however the treatment w the below process.

To understand the exact position of the tooth and jaw, A proper diagnosis of the teeth and mouth takes place with an X-ray. The procedure of fixing the dental braces needs to have the teeth dry and visible throughout. The tool used to keep the teeth dry, a cheek retractor is used. The teeth need to be cleaned, polished, and air-dried properly before placing the brackets. According to the exact positioning of the teeth during the diagnosis, dental cement is used to hold the brackets firmly. Once the dental cement is filled, the excess is cleaned passing a high-intensity light through to strengthen the bond of brackets. Once the braces are placed in the required place, the cheek retractor is removed and dental archwires are placed over the teeth. This procedure is the most commonly used and does not take a long time.

Types of Braces:

  • Metal braces
  • Ceramic braces
  • Lingual braces
  • Invisalign braces
1. Metal Braces: The traditional type of braces that strikes everyone's mind is metal braces. It gives a clear picture in your mind when it's called out. These are less expensive when compared to others and generally used for kids and teens. As time passes, these braces have also undergone some changes in the way it looks and is stronger and pleasing to look at. These braces are smaller as well as lighter in weight when compared to the past. These braces involve wires and brackets. These braces are also called silver braces and are made out of metal that is attached to the teeth

and is set to position the teeth. Heat-activated archwires are a new addition to traditional ones. These types of braces use the heat generated from the mouth and let the teeth to allow them to move and sit in the required position. These are the cheap, effective, and most commonly used braces.

2. Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces are similar to the traditional braces in shape and size, however, these are made of ceramic material. This ceramic material blends into the natural color and makes the braces look more natural and unnoticeable. These braces are also very effective in setting the teeth in the desired positions and are moreover favorable as are not noticeable. However, it is a little expensive when compared to traditional braces.


3. Lingual Braces: Lingual braces is similar to traditional braces made up of brackets and wires. The major difference is that the brackets and wires are placed on the inner surface of the teeth. These are best for adults and teens who do not want to show their braces. The brackets are customized as per the requirement of the treatment.


4. Invisalign Braces: This is the most distinct type of braces as it does not involve wires and brackets. It involves customized clear plastic aligners that are worn on teeth. They are easy to remove and replace throughout the treatment. The number of aligners used in treatment is between 18-32 to get the actual and desired position of the teeth. These are preferred by a majority of people for their ease and comfort that allows you to eat and drink anything. They are invisible and are preferred most. However, it is quite expensive and is used to correct minor and moderate dental problems.

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