Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

A Root canal Treatment also called an Endodontic treatment. Endodontics is required to treat a badly injured tooth pulp which can result in tooth extraction. It involves diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of the dental pulp. It is a procedure You may not feel any pain in the early stages of the infection. In some cases, your tooth could darken in color, which may mean that the nerve of the tooth has died (or is dying).

It is a treatment for dental pain relief and saving the teeth from more infection and causing further diseases. Removal of the infected pulp from inside the teeth, cleaning, and filling the space is involved in the root canal treatment.

Causes of Root canal

The root cause of the Root canal is the infection or damage in the tooth’s nerve tissue or pulp. The breakdown of the infected pulp leads to the multiplication of the activities of the bacteria infecting the pulp chamber. This can cause a serious infection and abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth is a pus-filled pocket that is formed at the end of the tooth root. It is due to the spread of infection from the tip to the ends of the roots of the tooth. The pulp needs to be immediately removed as it may cause swelling in the mouth and the areas of the neck, face, or head. It also affects bone loss around the tip of the root.

When is root canal treatment required?

  • Severe pain while biting and chewing
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Pimples on the gums
  • Sharp sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Swollen gums
  • Darkening of the gums
  • Deep decay in the gums

Procedure for a Root canal treatment

An Endodontist or a dentist performs a Root canal treatment. A dentist who specializes in the diagnosis, causes, prevention, and injuries related to the dental pulp or nerve of the tooth. The steps involved in Root canal treatment are,

  • Examination of the tooth along with radiograph of the tooth using X-rays and then with local anesthesia is given. Once the tooth is numb, a Small sheet of protection called “dental dam” over the area is applied to make it feel relaxed and keep it cream and free of saliva during the procedure. The area needs to be dry and clean during the treatment.
  • Once the sheet is placed and the area is isolated, drilling access into the tooth is the next step. The bacteria, pulp, and decayed nerve tissue are removed from the tooth and an opening is made in the crown of the tooth. A small instrument is used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals and to shape the space for the filling.
  • After space is cleaned and shaped, the root canals are sealed with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha into the Root canal. This is a temporary filling placed in the opening and is removed before restoration of the tooth.
  • The final step involves the restoration of a tooth. A crown is needed as the tooth may have a large filling or extensive decay or infection. A crown and other restoration are placed on the tooth to further protect and restore it to function naturally.

Smile Dental Hospitals can be credited with adopting Dental lasers in Root Canal treatment with successful outcomes of therapy ensuring excellent results.


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